Saturday, October 27, 2012

Speed Bump

Jordan takes a whack at this whole blog thing while Juli drives into the night towards our destination
Destiny on Fire!!!

Mikey is a full time nice guy and a part time genius.  Being a maintenance supervisor for my old company Prime Residential, he has learned a thing or two and he so happened to be around to confirm the news that my fridge in our beloved motorhome was dead… But the part time genius kicked in and he had an idea. Dry Ice. Perfect!! So taking this info with us we said our goodbyes and multiple thank you’s for letting us crash for the week and we hit the road. Half way to New Mexico from Tucson we discovered that no matter how hard we pushed the OD button or how many times we banged, smashed, or repeated different variations of the before mentioned “techniques” we couldn’t get the Over Drive to kick in… So in the last 24 hours we have discovered we are down a refrigerator and out a full gear only leaving us with four for the rest of the journey to Kentucky. I (Jordan) was pretty upset when we dropped overdrive and it seriously dampened my mood. My amazing wife on the other hand took it with a grain of salt not skipping a beat. She pretty much showed me why we are together again last night. I, once again, am reminded why of the billions of people out there this was the one set aside for me.  When I am up she might be down and when I am down she is up. Up not in the annoying kind of up like when you want to be mad and stomp your feet and throw a temper tantrum and someone is trying to make it all better when that is not what you want to hear. She lets me throw my tantrum and be pissed and then grabs a bottle of lotion after an hour of me pouting and slowly starts rubbing my feet implying that this will help with the tension. It does of course and then we start talking about it and realizing how this is not the end of the world at all but just a hiccup. It might make things more difficult on daily basis but if we don’t have a propane/electric refrigerator, at least we have a built in icebox.  

I am a big picture guy and if something is threatening my big picture it seems like the world is ending. Juli is a details person.  If something threatens the big picture you just change the details to make them work towards the big picture. I kinda have a crush on her. Today I was a little afraid to wake up hoping to not continue the two for two, calamity vs. days past role we were on. But today was a new day and after sleeping in way later than it seemed due to the time change, we began our new routine of finding dry ice. After a couple stops we finally found some and hit the road in the late afternoon. While heading to Carlsbad Caverns we saw the most inviting sight to the left of the road! Heaps and heaps of rusted iron and sun beaten wood crowned with an airplane from one of the world wars up on stilts. We had to stop. We had so much fun looking through old stuff and imaging how these things were apart of somebodies daily life. They had it all, from old wood burning cooking stoves to iceboxes and refrigerators that looked like if they sprouted wings they could pass as a spaceship. We looked through amazing old pictures and tried on people’s old hats. We had a great time that couldn’t have come at a better time. Lessons learned the day before about the way of life being a little bit more difficult were reinforced this day in the way of all these old things. When the original owner of these ancient appliances such as an ice box finally saved up the money to purchase these amenities, they were revolutionary. They made their life easier on a daily basis. We have left all those appliances in the dust now to rot and rust because we have discovered new ways of making our daily life easier. Sometimes it is ok to take a step backwards. If you don’t ever look back you can’t fully appreciate where you currently are. So for now I am extremely grateful for my motorhome with four gears and a built in icebox.


We can't figure out why the lights are sideways

Antique Mall, El Paso Texas

Handsome man with an awesome old car

Wish this was in my kitchen
our house would be crazy if we ever got one!


toilet/highchair combo! haha
An issue from 1942, made me think of my brother Josh!

Flashback to Jordan's chilhood! Works great!

Destiny fits right in!

Side of the road picnic. We made alfredo with sausage!

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