Back on the road smiles! Pure joy!!! |
Aww.... what a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun is shining, snow covers the ground, and life is coming back to the frozen earth! After a really good nights sleep we are so amped to get moving and get back on the road. It's almost as exciting as the first day we left. Ever since the New Year we've basically been hiding out at a house so the road is really calling our names. We spent the morning and afternoon packing, showering, and organizing. By four thirty we were ready to get moving. We said goodbye to Chelsea and Calie and headed over to the Napa Store to pick up a few things and say goodbye to Brett. It was a short and sweet farewell! We brought Brett a thank you sixer of Blue Moon and loaded up with gas, propane and coffee and hit the road. IT'S ADVENTURE TIME!
My husband is a stalker |
Gumby is just hanging out |
Entertaining Marley and ourselves |
this picture does no justice |
74,000 miles |
Our son! |
We had all sorts of things planned to do on our way through Missouri and Oklahoma but we took one look at the Doppler and change our minds. A storms a brewing and headed straight for us. Feet of snow, blizzard conditions, ice, freezing temperatures- UGH! We are so over winter. Ever since Kentucky (Nov. 12) we have been experiencing the season and quite frankly we are just ready for some sun shine. So we dropped all of our plans and decided to drive west as fast as we could to try and beat the storm. We stopped at a gas station outside Tulsa and as I was walking out from the gas station bathroom I found Jordan talking to a man who was standing next to the door with a backpack and duffel bag. Apparently his name was Patrick Johnson and he had just got off probation in Tulsa. He was headed east to see his son Shiloh. He pulled out pictures and introduced us to Shiloh. He was named after a drifter that Patrick had met and admired on the road sometime ago. I guess the guy was really excited and dedicated to see his son. He had walked 50 miles yesterday, slept under a bridge last night, took some sketchy hitch hiking rides, and walked 50 more miles today. He was a really nice guy that had a bad past. We talked for a good while and he told us where to stay in Tulsa and really wanted to make sure we were in a safe part of town. Before we pulled out we decided to make him a snack bag with some of the food and water we had. We were barely leaving the parking lot and he already was eating it, must have been hungry. A fellow traveler just in a different medium. Wish we could have given him more.
It's funny because meeting Patrick filled us with a lot of joy. As we kept trucking to Tulsa we just talked about how this lifestyle allows us to meet so many people of all walks of life and allows us to reconnect with old friends. And if you add the landscapes, sunsets, and new cities we really have nothing to complain about. Life is pretty perfect. Well we are off to bed in a new Walmart parking lot on the safe side of town (after we argued for 20 minutes about which parking spot would be the best one! haha). Love to you ALL!
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