It's been a buys and full couple weeks here in Fallbrook. Jordan has been working with his brother and I am still over at Starbucks. In between work and sleep we have been visiting family and catching up with friends.

Our good friend is in a band in San Fran and he came to his home town to play a little show at our favorite dive bar. We got all dressed up and had the best time. We stood in the front row and danced the night away. In between the music we got to catch up with a bunch of people we haven't seen since July.

The beauty of having Amber and Bryan live only 20 minutes away is that we get to spend random time together. We all got kind of bored one night and decided to go out to Old Town Temecula and have dinner together. It was a cool little place that had live music. Marley decided to be my buddy that night! We had so much fun just being silly, counting things, making funny faces, and eating!

Such a sweet little one when she's not running around C-R-A-Z-Y!!!! Props to her mama for chasing her around all day EVERY DAY! I don't know how you do it!

Miss Ally! Can't believe how grown up she is. And how incredibly Beautiful! Love spending time with her.

This is a view from Jordan's last job in La Jolla. They pre-wired an entire house from the 70's for an alarm system and I think surround sound or something. All I really know is my boy came home covered in dirt and saw dust cause he spent the day crawling in a tiny crawl space under the house that was filled with dead rats. Gotta love a man that provides for his family! So grateful for his willingness to do ANY job to put food on the table.

Jordan and Amber's old boss and family friend took her family to Malawi, Africa for a year to help run some orphanages. The same ones that Jordan has gone and helped with. We had a little goodbye get together. This is the coffee shop that Jordan worked at when we dated in high school.

Two of my favorite girls. Love them.

Sometimes we are silly. Sombreros and Crocs! We are quite the pair.

Motor home living! It gets chilly at night before we turn on the heater so we just bundle up! I love this adventure we are on. We took this picture right after we unplugged the toilet and almost threw up at the AWFUL smell. haha.... priceless!

We have made two separate trips up to Arrowhead. One to hang out with Brandon while my dad was out of town and second to spend the day with Mom, Marty, Martin and Mackenzie! It is so wonderful to feel the fresh mountain air. Love being able to hang out with family with Jordan. It is so special to me to have everyone bonding like I do with his family.

We drove up to Long Beach also one Sunday to hang out with Josh, Cilla and lil Logan! The boys went shooting at an indoor range while Cilla and I got to catch up and hang out. I pretty much held that baby boy all day long. He is so adorable and chill. Perfect combination in my book!

My sexy Man!!!!!! Nothing like a man with a gun in his hands. Must admit he's a pretty good shot too.

Josh smoked ribs and chicken all day while we were out and then Cilla made an excellent salad. It was an incredible dinner. We hung out and talked and then played cards. It was such a fun night!

We went to Amber and Bryan's for dinner one night and ended up making cookies with Marley and then they had a music night. So fun to hear Jordan and Amber collaborate. They are both incredibly talented. We sat and watched as they played and Marley ran around crazy in the living room dancing! It was really fun. Love getting to know Amber and Bryan as a married couple and as friends. I love the way they love each other and the examples they set for mars. They are really just fun people too... we always have such a great time together.

Feel so blessed to be able to spend time with family lately. Even though at times it can be overwhelming, there is nothing better than watching your nieces and nephews growing up and building relationships with everyone as we all get older!
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