Parts of me have been overwhelmed with being home in California. Southern California is a whirlwind, a tornado, a hurricane that never stops. Everyday is full. Every hour there is something that should be done, every minute you are thinking about the next. My head starts spinning just writing this and I just want to climb up on the roof and yell at the world "SLOW DOWN PEOPLE!!!!!! You're driving me mad!!!!!"
Seriously though, you ever just sit on a bench or in your car and watch everyone buzzing by... what are we all in such a hurry for? Why do we feel this constant pressure to do as much as we can? Fit as many things as we can into just one day?? Don't get me wrong, I am naturally a busy body and a do-er but I have come to realize in the past few years there is magic in sitting. In Being still. There is peace and a deep happiness in silence. And although I used to be aggravated at people moving a slow pace I now envy it.
Then I hear news stories and read articles about all the things manufacturers and growers do to our food before we consume it and I get even more overwhelmed. We are killing ourselves. We have these amazing machines as bodies and we tear them apart one piece at a time by ingesting chemicals and who knows what!?!
I can't lie I got so overwhelmed yesterday after thinking about all this that I had to do something! Even if it was just for a minute I wanted to escape all the madness that we have created for ourselves. So all I ate for the entire day (minus dinner) was whole, raw foods. Nothing processed. I went outside and sat in a chair and just felt the wind on my face, ate some nuts, and listened to the birds chirp while I did some deep breathing exercises. haha... it was a moment of silence I so desperately needed.
But it made me think I want to do a few things each week to get back in touch with my "inner hippie." By that I just mean I want to do more natural things. Think of how far we have come from the beginning. We rely so much on convenience. Efficiency. And things that take the least amount of time. So whether it's eating more whole raw foods, deep breathing, walking in the park, yoga, taking time to write an actual letter to someone, not using any technology for a day, or whatever it is I am going to work on it. We were given a gift... this whole world is ours. The beauty, the life, the people... I want to enjoy it more and worry less about becoming something or someone. Call me a hippie, a gypsy, a bohemian or whatever you want but I am ready to slow things down a bit and embrace God's greatest gift to me- My life.
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