Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Day of Thanksgiving...

Every year I grow to appreciate this holiday more and more and every year I try to incorporate it into my every day. Jordan is wonderful at this. He encourages me to choose small things to celebrate and to be grateful. Every day we try to remember things we are thankful for, even if it is just a morning together or a nice day at the beach. We are so truly blessed and it is so good to remember it. So here is my list for the day....

I am thankful for...

1. An all-knowing, all-powerful, everlasting loving God. There is not a day where I can forget this. From the depths of my soul, to every beat of my heart and every cell in my brain I can only give thanks to him. I have been so overwhelmed with his grace this year. I have done nothing, and will never do anything to deserve heaven, he knew that, and he still created me. He still wanted me and still chose to save me. It's a beautiful and wonderful thing.

2. A devoted and incredible husband. Every day I continue to fall even more in love with this man. Not because he is perfect, or I am perfect or that we are perfect.... but because we are imperfect and he still chooses to love and respect me. I am blown away by the fact that no matter what is going on in our world he always has my best interest in mind. I am so blessed by him, because the way that he loves me has set an example of how Christ loves us. I think to myself if this man chooses to love an imperfect me how much more does God love me. It is a good reminder and I feel so lucky to have this every day to keep me in check! He works so hard to provide for our little family. He carries the responsibility on his shoulders to make sure that he is doing what he can for us. I love that about him. He is my stronghold on this earth. And I am so thankful that he can make me laugh like he does. A day without laughter is a wasted one!

3. Family- I feel so grateful for the way my family has grown and really exemplified love in the past few years. As every family has rough spots, we have had ours, but through the weddings and babies I have seen our family continue to grow closer together and it is such a beautiful thing. I am filled with so much joy. I love each one of them and am thankful!!!! And as for my "in-laws" I could really not ask for a better family to inherit. I love them as my own, and cannot begin to express how grateful I am for each one of them. They have added so much to my life and continue to do so. Not only did I get them as family but as life long friends and confidants! I am so blessed.

4. Basic life needs- Going from a little extra money to barely any in this past year was a little bit of a shocker as our lives transitioned from Tucson to Hawaii. But I couldn't be any more grateful than I am right now. Living minimally really can bless you. Everyday and every week I learn to depend on the only one who provides. And provides eternally. I am so grateful that we have a bed, running water, and food on the table. How fortunate are we to have these luxuries!!! Water, food, a bed. . . realize they are luxury compared to many parts in this world.

5. "Family"- I am so thankful for our "family" made of friends and neighbors. Every new place we adventure we tend to add a few more to this group. A growing community of people who would do anything for each other, love each other and encourage each other. I am thankful for each and every one of them.

6. Eden- I am grateful that I can still find glimpses of Eden in this world. The perfect and beautiful garden. Untouched, untamed. When I find these "eden" moments.... my soul is calmed. All the world stands still. And I am so thankful that I have eyes and ears to experience it! Thank you God for giving us a beautiful world.

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