SHED: (in case you haven't heard the plan) We are building this on Jordan's parents property, THANK YOU SCOTT AND KELLIE, so we can put all of our house stuff in it. Mostly kitchen toys and Jordan's art stuff.... We will put everything in here except for 3 or 4 suitcases and then we are going to go TRAVEL for a while! Our first destination is Kauai- July 13.
Within the first day of being home we jumped straight in! Thank goodness for Scott and his plan.. otherwise it would have taken much much longer to get this sucka started!!!
Just supervising!! ;-) Men love that....
Day One: The floor and three walls were framed and set!

I love being outside with the boys, hitting a few nails! Makes me feel like I can accomplish things!
I will have to get you a picture of this palm nailer that came with our nail gun.... IT IS THE MOST AMAZING THING IN THE WORLD! I want one with a portable air compressor backpack, then I could just walk around neighborhoods nailing stuff! hey, a girl can dream right!

Day Two: The men were in "THE ZONE"! Very serious faces, grunting to communicate, sweating..... you know guy stuff! They got so much accomplished and it looks like a little tiny house. Jordan and I are debating whether or not we should just live in it!

My husband is SO HOT when he is holding power tools!
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