It's three thirty on a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. I imagine most everyone is relaxing, doing chores around the house, catching up from another busy week of life. This morning we woke up in San Luis Obispo and now we are half way to Parker, Arizona. The northern coast is a Gem... A beautiful, misty illustrious gem. We so much enjoyed our time exploring, walking with the sand beneath our feet, feeling the cool ocean breeze on our skin.
But after a whole summer of no "summer" we have been craving sun shine. Like hot sweaty pure sunshine. So being that our house is on wheels and having no time constraints we left this morning heading east to the Colorado river.
This is the beauty of life on the road. Plans are never really plans. In an instant or a change of heart you can switch directions and drive to wherever your heart desires. Even if it's an extra 300 miles out of your way just to soak up a couple rays.
I am giggling right now thinking to myself... Wow I have been unemployed for five weeks now. I feel almost guilty. I have thoughts of how we are going to make ends meet... Did I save enough money. Are we crazy? I mean who just takes five weeks off work?!
Then I smile bigger. I remember now that we worked really hard for this. Four years ago Jordan and I payed off $20,000.00 of debt in one year. We had only one credit card left after that. This summer we were incredibly frugal and Jordan worked extremely hard to get his online company's new website up and running- because of this we paid off our last credit card. It was hard this summer. We only ate out 7 times the entire four months in Montana. We only went out for drinks a few times. I planned meals for two to three weeks at a time to save money on food. We pinched every penny between saving for our next trip and becoming debt free.
And now....We owe nothing. To no body. Our overhead a month is less than $150.
So five weeks into our little vacation I sit here with a big smile on my face. I know that our hard work and discipline with our finances pays off in big ways. I know that even because our house is smaller than most and we don't have a piece of land to our name we are ahead of most by being debt free at ages 26 and 27. And more than anything I realize that I am so beyond grateful to our God who has given us everything we need at the exact time we need it. We are amazed and extremely thankful for the continual blessings he pours upon us.
I am excited to get back to work next week and to see my family and friends. But first, I am going to go soak up that vitamin D with the love of my life and enjoy the road life.
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