Thursday, September 5, 2013

Trip Stats

Starting Mileage: 67,688.3

Current Mileage: 79,094.6

Total Miles Traveled11,406.3 Miles

Days on the Road: 264

State Count: 15

Juli's Favorite Places so far: Mason,Texas
                                            Nashville, TN 
                                            Yellowstone, MT

Jordan's Favorite Places so far: Royal,Arkansas 
                                            Nashville, TN 
                                            Yellowstone, MT

Destiny Update: After a year of living in Destiny we have almost everything in working order!!! The new battery that was gifted to us this summer has revolutionized our time when we are "unhooked." Our lights don't dim and flicker... it feels like a normal house, even while on the road. The other amazing addition is we finally have running water whenever and wherever with NO LEAKS! It's been amazing to wash dishes and take showers without hearing the water running through our walls and being helpless and stuck with the constant worry of our floors and walls rotting out! So for now all Destiny needs is a roof that doesn't leak and a quick tune up and oil change and we are good to go. We still don't have a fridge, but we have just accepted that our "ice-box" is do-able. We will probably never have the extra $1000 to fix it! 

Funds: There is always enough, never too little, never extra. We are extremely grateful.

People: These are a few of the people we have met and/or visited along the way
Mr. Anderson
Cote's (unrelated)
"Mountain Right" guy
Mr and Mrs Dunbar
Aunt Wendy
Donnie and Roger
Kim and Deedee
Brett, Chelsea and Callie
The three gypsies from the River (another couple and their dog who travel and work full time in their RV)
Bill and Deb
Dave (the Lord of Winterfell)

Sanity Level: Being hooked up and primarily in one spot all summer is quite different than life on the road. We are spoiled enough to have electricity, water, sewer and even satellite tv! In a way you kind of forget that you are sharing 21 feet of space with another person. We sit outside, go for bike rides or walks- the town becomes an extension of our home. But on the other hand there are times when this space feels incredibly small. We have tried to adapt habits of tidiness, organization, putting things away before we take another thing out. Another big thing for us is learning how to give each other space. Since we also work together every day it's important that we have our own time. As much as we love each other we are both really big on having alone time. So I try to get into bed a little early and Jordan stays up, then in the morning I try to get up a few hours before him so I can have some time. It takes patience from both sides, but overall I think we have done a really good job!

Biggest Struggle: Technology! It seems on the road anything that has to do with technology becomes extremely FRUSTRATING! Things don't work when you want them to, do things they have never done before, etc! This will always be a struggle for us on the road. I think that over the course of the summer both Jordan and I have struggled with friendships. It is hard sometimes living such an unconventional lifestyle because not many can relate to it or they have a hard time keeping up with it. So sometimes we get sad when we don't hear from our friends, or when it starts to feel one sided, or that the distance makes us feel very far apart. But like all things these struggles get better with time and we are learning how to love from far away. We have such a passion for our people that it just weighs heavy on our hearts sometimes.

Favorite Part:  Our favorite part on our second trip in Destiny has been the outdoors. How could it not be when you are in Montana. We got here as Spring was emerging in all her glory and then watched it turn into Summer and now we are seeing Fall come. It has been incredible everywhere we go, not one time have we been disappointed in our surroundings! We are excited to come back next year and hopefully interact with more people, but this summer was a beautiful little sabbatical into His masterpiece!

Cities We've Spent the night in:
Rialto, CA
Joshua Tree, CA
Parker, AZ
Tucson, AZ
Las Cruces, NM
Carlsbad, NM
Junction, TX
Copperas Cove, TX
San Antonio, TX
Austin, TX (Jordan only)
Texarkana, TX
Royal, AR
Bartlett, TN
Campbellsville, KY
Nashville, TN
Forrest City, AR
Hot Springs, AR
Benton, IL
Wheatland, MO
Tulsa, OK
Amarillo, TX
Las Vegas, NV
St. George UT
Pocatello, ID
West Yellowstone, MT
Bozeman, MT
Idaho Falls, ID

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