Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Coming Home, tragedy strikes

Home. Sweet Home.
After Joshua Tree we headed to my mom's house which is now on the way to Jordan's parents house. Since we have left in October my mom has moved, Amber has moved, Ian has moved and Lynnette has moved. Four huge parts of our family have re-located. It's like we are coming to everything brand new. It was really great to see my mom, Marty and the kids. I didn't grab any pictures of them, only my sweet nephews that I got to see for a few minutes. No matter how many days, how many travels and adventures you have, there is absolutely nothing like a hug from your parents and siblings. I absolutely loved every minute of the day and half we got to spend with them. It was fun to answer all their questions and further explain our blog stories and hearing about their lives for the past five months! 

My sweet Nate. I didn't get to meet him before we left and
he's now six months old and oh so handsome!

Little Levi! Can't believe how articulate he has become in
the past six months!

We left my mom's house Saturday afternoon to make our quick drive to Northern San Diego to see Jordan's family. His dad's birthday was the next day so we had a big birthday dinner that night. It was great for us because we got to see the WHOLE family! After dinner we had some friends and Jordan's brother over for a bon fire by our little shed on the parents property. It was so good to see some of our favorite people and just catch up. We spent all day Sunday, St. Patty's Day, just hanging out with the family and trying to get acclimated to this fast paced Cali lifestyle. We both start work Monday morning!

Lennix is our 4th nephew to be born! He arrived just a week before we got home!

Jordan's bestest buddy Marley Grace! She was so excited to go
on adventures with him!

Happy Birthday Scott!
The boys went racing on Sunday to celebrate Scott
I woke up Monday morning for work. And let me just tell you it was a Monday for sure. I was so scattered brained! I barely made it out the door in time to get to work. I left my pajamas in the middle of the driveway and to be quite honest I forgot to put a bra on before I left. Good thing I had an undershirt. I got to work just in time for my shift when I realized that I had left my nail polish on from the weekend. This was not a good start back to work. I guess the last two months off have not been good for me. Luckily, my boss was kind and had me go grab a bottle of nail polish remover for the store so not only I could use it, but anyone after me who made my rookie mistake! It only took me a few minutes to get back into my coffee-slingin' groove.  It was so much fun catching up with all my friends and seeing regulars again. I went on my first ten minute break and checked my cell phone. I had about three missed calls and a text from my dad. "CALL ME ITS AN EMERGENCY." My heart dropped. My dad would never send this unless it really was an emergency. I called my dad twice and no answer. My heart started beating a little faster. I called my husband who had called me that morning. I asked him what was going on. He cleared his throat and the next thing out of his mouth changed me forever. My little 12 year-old step-sister Catrina had died that morning, somehow in her sleep. That is all he knew and that is all he told me. I almost threw up. I told my boss I had to go. I got in the truck and headed straight for my dad's house. No change of clothes, no tooth brush, no husband. My family needed me and I was coming. I called Jordan back and told him where I was going and I didn't know when I would be back. He was very supportive. I drove as fast as the speed limit would allow. My brain was driving faster though. My dad still hadn't called me back. I had no idea what was happening. Was this for real? How could this happen? She was only in Junior High? Why?........ God why is this real? Why my family?

I called Lynnette and the kids and told them to hang on, I was on my way. I still couldn't get a hold of my dad. Please drive faster cars....... I need to see my family.

My hands shook, my heart was beating out of my chest and nausea was all around me. Tears filled my eyes.. and all I could do was utter these words.

"God. I know you are real
I do NOT understand what 
is going on. I don't know why
she died. It's not fair.
Give me the words
Let me cover my family
with your love and peace.
Please God......
help us,
we need you now more than
please God...
I'm begging you
hear my cries"

I drove up that old mountain road, knowing every curve like the back of my hand. I have driven these roads a thousand times. As I pulled into my dad's private narrow road, the road I spent so much of my childhood, the nausea almost overtook me. I came around the corner and it was unreal. There were a dozen or more people standing outside my house. Half of them police officers, the others family. I jumped out of the truck and my dad came running towards me. We met in a hug that explained everything. 
Good sweet Lord, this is real.
 It took everything I had not to collapse in my dad's arms when Lynnette (my-stepmom) joined our hug. I had to be strong. The tears could come, but I must be strong for them, stay standing.. The next moments were all a blur as I hugged each of my younger siblings, then called all my older siblings to give them the news. The next part was the worst. As everyone had slightly turned around I stood straight, looking at the front door, that's when they took her sweet little body out of our house, in a body bag. Out the front door and up the steps of the very same house I spent so many years at. Nothing will ever prepare you a moment like that.

I spent the next three days with my family. Helping with all the visitors, cooking meals, and hanging out with everyone who stopped by. Thank you Lord that my oldest brother Jon also came up. He is a solid rock in these kinds of situations. And all of my other siblings that were there handled the situation with such grace and I am so proud and thankful for them. Everyone who came by was so sweet and comforting and really gave the family so much love.

That all happened Monday and I left Wednesday night.... back to real life. What does that even mean anymore? My head is in a fog and something funny happens when death occurs..... you re-evaluate everything. The "coming home" (living back in California) adjustment just got a lot harder....

Each day that passes, I only want to do one thing- Spend every second I can with my family. I went to my mom's house just about every weekend for the first month of being home. Hugged my little brothers and sisters a little tighter. Said I love you as many times as I could. And chased around a niece or nephew just one more time after I was already tired. Life is short my friends. Don't take for granted the time that we do get, the little moments that we might look over. Overuse I love you. Be the best friend. Hug tight. Never go to bed angry. 

I babysat my little brother and sister so my parents could go out for their
anniversary. We dyed Easter eggs and had so much fun

Easter with the Cote family and Victor. We had so much fun getting to know Victor. Jordan's family fostered him as a young child and he came down for five days to hang out with us. Jordan and I loved every minute we got to spend with him.
This is one of my favorite pictures ever. I love these two little munckins so much!
Our adorable niece Zoe
The best place to seek God is in a garden.  You can dig for him there.  ~George Bernard Shaw

Monday, May 27, 2013

Desert Sun!

We made it to Show Low after  the amazing time we had in the Petrified Forrest. We found a Walmart up there to stay the night at. It reminded us a lot of Lake Arrowhead driving through that town, except they actually had a lot of stores there. Our stay was short because we wanted to get back on the road down through Globe to Tucson so we could visit our friends there for a couple of days. The drive through Globe was beautiful. We went through this huge canyon with beautiful mesas and rocks of all colors and a river running through the middle. Destiny was not a huge fan of the drive because we had to drive not only down into the canyon but up and out of it. She pushed through though, even if it was at 25mph... She continues to impress us!

awesome river running through the canyon

the picture is not the best, but you can kind of see the beautiful rocks

 We had a few days before we needed to be up in Phoenix so we spent a few nights with our good friend Mikey, who we saw on our way out of California over 140 days ago! It was nice hanging out with him and seeing all of his latest projects on his house. He is incredibly gifted in handiwork and has completely transformed the house he bought. We mostly just layed low as we both kinda had colds from all the recent climate change.  As always Mikey is a great host and we love coming to see him. One of the nights we were there we invited our good friend Sandra and her man over to hang out with us.  When Jordan and I lived in Tucson , almost three years ago, Sandra was one of the people we hung out with almost every week. It was really fun to hang out and see what a great guy she has found. It was really good to see her that happy and just content with life! We  love you Sandy Pants! Thanks Mikey for letting us come crash your house again. It was SO good to see you!

Every mile we get closer to California the more anxious we become! We are so excited to get home and see all of our people. We know it is going to be an insanely busy time considering all the bachelor parties, weddings and babies being born, but we are still excited!  This last few weeks back on the road have been absolutely incredible. Even through the blizzard we have had so much fun enjoying each other's company, the sun shine and all the friends we have met up with along the way. But today is by far one of my favorite so far. A few years ago when we lived in Arizona we bought Scott (Jordan's dad) tickets to go to Dodger Spring Training with Jordan. Unfortunately, for me I had to work! So this year Jordan took me!!! 

My love for sports began a long time ago, well probably in high school. I am guessing because I am not naturally gifted AT ALL in any kinda of athletic activity my passion and admiration grew stronger for professional athletes. I love watching a game and getting emotionally invested in it and each of the players like they are my best friends. I love that I am not in control of the outcome. And I absolutely love cheering on the underdogs and watching them win. With that said, when I met Jordan I only really watched football, but within the past four years of us being back together again I am fully obsessed with professional hockey, baseball, basketball, and football.  I ask a million questions to both my husband and  my poor father-in-law (sorry guys) just so I can better understand the game.  So this year going to spring training was icing on the cake for me! I got to see all my favorite players right up close, watch the rookies give it a shot, and see baseball legend Tommy Lasorda. We had a wonderful day and the weather was perfect. My freezing bones from Missouri are loving this SUN! Thanks baby for a fun day! Can't wait to see the Dodgers this season.

Our boy stretching for the game

Andre Eithier photobombing our picture!

Tommy Lasorda

 I feel overwhelmingly spoiled as of late! Not only did we get to see another National Park, visit with friends, go to spring training and now we are at one of my most favorite places so far, the river! If I could retire anywhere I am pretty sure it would be here. Lots of sun shine, cool water and pure relaxation (and it's close to all of our people)! I am not one for big cities, lots of people or craziness. I like the laying low kind of life, especially when there is a body of water close by. I think growing up on a lake and near the ocean gave me the passion for water. It is peaceful, strong and beautiful. 

We are here again at the RV resort that Jordan's parents have a membership to, so we get a huge discount. We are having a blast just laying by the river and pool, enjoying their happy hour with endless popcorn and making new friends. We spent one of our evenings with another couple who live on the road full time. They were older than us, but had so much knowledge to share! We hung out over at their RV for about 4 hours. It was wonderful and they were so hospitable.  Our time was so great here that we extended our stay one extra night before head out to Joshua Tree for a night and the home for a weekend full of families!

our first day on the river, it was 85 and perfect

The beard and my husband!


Today we celebrate 150 days on the road! We are loving this gypsy
Cheers to happy hour
the man beard that took over our motorhome! haha

 One last stop before we go see our loved ones! We can't pass by Joshua Tree without stopping through. It is the place where Jordan and I fell in love all over again four years ago, the place where we said "I do," the place where we have shared so many memories with our closest friends. We absolutely love it here and the beauty that you can find only in the desert. We only stayed one night but it was great. We spent the evening with a bottle of wine discussing our last months on the road, all the people we have met or ran into, the beautiful places that we have got to experience and the crazy adventures in between. We took a walk or two, made some art from the rocks and soaked in the vastness of this place. 

Cheers to the road baby, but let's go home (at least for a little while)!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013


We made it to Albuquerque in good time and wanted to get our errands done quickly so we could go catch up with our Friends. As most of you know our computer took a dive in January while we were Arkansas and no one could figure out why. So we decided to bring it into Best Buy since we had only bought it five months prior.  The guy at customer service was very friendly, ran a couple of tests, and told us that our hard drive had completely crashed. Fortunately for us it was still under the warranty with Dell and they were going to replace it for FREE!!! We were so relieved. They took the computer there and were going to fix it and have it shipped to California for us so we could just pick it up on our way home. It was awesome.  We finished up our quick little errands and found a nice Wal Mart to stay at so we could get up early and go see Danny in Rio Rancho.

We had a great morning in the Walmart parking lot. I made eggs for us and we sat on the curb outside in the sunshine! It was the first time we had felt the warm sun in months. People stared at us, gave us odd looks, it's not everyday you see people eating breakfast while sitting on a curb in their pajamas. But hey we were "those people" for the day and it never felt so good. Danny was working that day with his landscaping business but he found a little time to take a break and surprise us! We heard a pounding on the door and were so confused, I'm pretty sure he yelled something like "this is the police open up!" After freaking out for a second we realized it was him and welcomed him into our humble abode. He has to duck while inside because Destiny only has a 6 foot ceiling, not a problem for us vertically challenged people! We hung out for a little while then Danny had to get back to work. We took our time getting ready and went to the grocery store before heading over to the house that he shares with his parents. It is an awesome house at the end of the street with a giant back yard. It was full of love, acceptance and so many wonderful people. His parents are incredible and let us pull the RV into the back yard and gave us an extension cord so we could have power. And on top of that they opened up their entire house to us, kitchen and SHOWERS included. We got to meet Abby's mom and visit with the kids. His son Emryk (sorry if I butchered the spelling) was only 1 or 2 when we met him in Kauai the first time and Sophie was just born on our second trip out to Kauai, now they are 4 and 2! They are amazing kids and  we had so much fun playing with them. 

We spent much of our time together just discussing life and our views on the world as it is these days. Danny has very similar views- life of minimalism, love, and happiness. He also shared his passion of eating whole, raw foods and using nature to take care of our bodies. He has been studying this kind of thing for over five years, so we soaked in all of the knowledge we could get. It made us happy knowing that his kids will not be eating poison and will thrive naturally. We also got a sneak peak of his handmade aquaponic system that he is working on. It was seriously awesome and we can't wait to see it when it's finished. We are so incredibly grateful for Danny and his family's generosity while we were there. We feel completely blessed and we can't wait to get back there to visit with them! Hopefully it will be before the kids are in middle school. 

It was only right that before we left we completed the hippy commune that we had turned his parents house into. So we called up our best buddy Tim (who we met in Arizona and then brought to Hawaii with us.) and asked if it would be a possibility for him to come down.

So good to see our friend Danny and his amazing family. Abby was at work but it was good seeing her too!

Tim and his wonderful girlfriend Taylor came down from Durango, CO and spent the night on our little couch in the backyard. It had been a year since we were united and we had the best night in the world. This picture is of 3 friends that got to hang out in Kauai and then in New Mexico too.

Morning of Champions!

Some incredible people right here!
74,524 miles! Our baby is growing up

Painted Desert and Petrified Forrest

I love all of these pictures. Every single one of them begins to tell you of the amazing day we had. The Painted Desert and Petrified Forest are absolutely incredible. We got lucky on the day and a half that we were there because the clouds were PERFECT! More than half the time we just stood back and stared at the sky in pure amazement.  We arrived at the National Park only a couple of hours before it was closing, so we decided to go in to the Visitor's Center and figure out a plan for tomorrow so we could see all of it. We found a free campsite (http://freecampsites.net/crystal-forest-gift-shop-campground-3/) at the south gate of the Petrified Forrest. So we decided to drive through the whole thing and then stay the night down at the gift shop, then in the morning drive through the whole thing again and make our stops. The place we camped was awesome. I almost felt bad it was free! There were picnic tables, flat areas to park, it was clean and safe!

It is awesome having the Inter-agency annual pass for all the National Parks and National Reserves because we don't have to do everything on the first day we get there. We can enter and exit the parks as we please and never get charged. At Carlsbad Caverns we even got a $12 tour for free with our pass. You can find more info here: http://www.fs.fed.us/passespermits/annual.shtml

The second day we slept in, took our time and had a great morning. The weather was perfect, sunny with a little wind. We stopped at nearly every place we could, hiked around, snapped some pictures and stared at the petrified wood for a long time. It doesn't make sense really.... it LOOKS exactly like a tree but then you touch it and it's a ROCK! The colors were beautiful, intricate and detailed on every piece of tree. We found real true neons in nature in some of them. I guess you can find a lot of gems in the petrified wood as well. The wind allowed the tall prairie grasses to dance across the plains. The clouds were perfectly placed across the vast sky. And the sun set just right across that painted desert.......

It was an awesome day! And now we are off to Show Low, AZ to stay the night before we head back to Tucson.