Welcome back to Cali! It has been quite the whirlwind!
WEEK ONE:We get acclimated and moved into our "condo" which is really Jordan's parents motorhome that resides on the bottom of their property! We spent most of our time catching up with everyone here in Fallbrook. I started work after about 5 days of being home and Jordan had a DJ event and work with his brother after 6 days of being home.
My husband is pretty cute I must admit! One night we were moving into our little house, getting things unpacked and settled in and Jordan was on a mission. I was moving all slow and he was cleaning and organizing and rearranging. When he was finished he put on some music on our record player and started dancing with me. Another cute thing he did that week was check all my tire's pressure on the car before I headed off for a drive to my brother's house. It just cute to me because he always has my best interest in mind and always is protecting me!
I finally got to meet my nephew Logan Johnson!!!! My older brother Josh and Cilla had him in September while we were in Kauai. I couldn't afford coming back for his birth so this was really special to me to finally kiss those cheeks! He is such a SWEET and well behaved little baby! He is so mellow and I just love SQUEEZING him!

And on the 12th we got to Celebrate Richelle's life for her birthday, trim the tree and I finally learned how to make grandma's chicken noodle soup from scratch! We had a nice time- it was good to see everyone again!

We welcomed Zoe Cote into this world. We all had spent most of the week waiting for her arrival. She was being a little stubborn. Finally on Tuesday the 20th of December (my mamma's birthday!) Richelle was induced! We spent the ENTIRE day there waiting for the little one to arrive. It was pretty amazing to be apart of that. So happy they are both healthy!!!

On the 23rd we spent the evening at the San Diego Botanical Gardens with Kellie's entire side of the family. We walked around all the beautiful plants, played in the kid area, saw Christmas lights, and just hung out with everyone.

On Christmas Eve, Jordan and I drove up the mountain to my dad's house to have dinner with his whole family. It was madness, but so much fun to hang out with all my brothers and sisters and their families! We stayed up til midnight just talking and hanging out!
Christmas morning we spent at my dad's for a few, then drove to my mom's to spend the morning there. We had breakfast, went to church and then just caught up and played with Martin, Mackenzie and Levi!

Christmas afternoon we drove to Uncle John Cote's house in La Verne. All of Scott's family was there as well as Amber and Bryan with Marley. It was a fun filled evening and always so nice to see that side of that family.

After that we drove to Fallbrook and went to annual party at one of Jordan's friends house! It was so good to see some old friends. It wasn't til three in the morning we finally got home! A long, busy, very social day but all in all we are so blessed to have that many people to love!
We both continue to work as it comes. It is still so nice to be here, Fallbrook is a funky little town but I love it. There are so many trees and greenery and it has the small town feel with all the amenities that you would need.
New Year's Eve we spent at a friend of ours here in town. It was his dad's birthday- so there was a ton of food, great drinks, and lots of people. It was a funny mix of people. Half older people and half our aged. I just laugh because the group of people our age were calm and just enjoying conversation and the adults were the ones who had too much to drink, dancing and talking super loud! Just funny to watch! But it was so much fun!

On Monday, I was blessed with the best gift of Sara and Levi's presence! She came and stayed with me for three days while Jon was at a conference. It was so much fun finally getting to bond with my little nephew. He is so precious and makes the best faces EVER!!!! And Tuesday after work my sweet friend Jenna came to crash the party!!! It felt so nice to have my friends.... it's been a long time since I had seen them and truly spent time with them. I have known these girls since 7th grade. We grew up in church, small groups, school and everything together. They are my sisters.... and it was just so good to be with them again!

Jordan has been busy with work this week and has a big project to work on for a future business. So in between that I encourage rest and fun! He has been gone since Tuesday and I can't wait to see him tonight!
So that's it for us!
We welcomed Zoe Cote into this world. We all had spent most of the week waiting for her arrival. She was being a little stubborn. Finally on Tuesday the 20th of December (my mamma's birthday!) Richelle was induced! We spent the ENTIRE day there waiting for the little one to arrive. It was pretty amazing to be apart of that. So happy they are both healthy!!!
On the 23rd we spent the evening at the San Diego Botanical Gardens with Kellie's entire side of the family. We walked around all the beautiful plants, played in the kid area, saw Christmas lights, and just hung out with everyone.

Christmas morning we spent at my dad's for a few, then drove to my mom's to spend the morning there. We had breakfast, went to church and then just caught up and played with Martin, Mackenzie and Levi!

We both continue to work as it comes. It is still so nice to be here, Fallbrook is a funky little town but I love it. There are so many trees and greenery and it has the small town feel with all the amenities that you would need.
New Year's Eve we spent at a friend of ours here in town. It was his dad's birthday- so there was a ton of food, great drinks, and lots of people. It was a funny mix of people. Half older people and half our aged. I just laugh because the group of people our age were calm and just enjoying conversation and the adults were the ones who had too much to drink, dancing and talking super loud! Just funny to watch! But it was so much fun!

So that's it for us!
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