August 4th, 2009 Scott dropped us off at Long Beach Airport. We sayed our goodbyes and then stood there staring at the terminals in front of us. Jordan's faced turned white and suddenly a panic took over us. What were we doing? We have three suitcases and the clothes on our backs with no return ticket home. What the heck are we doing?! By the time we got to the ticket counter our nerves settled a bit and a huge rush of adrenaline kicked in! It was ADVENTURE time. There are no plans... it's time to see what we can make of ourselves. It was my first taste of freedom. No family, no friends.... just one big ocean and a tiny little tropical island. It is time to heal. Time to find me.

and there was a slight mist sitting quietly on the coast. It was unreal. It was Jurassic Park... so green, full of life, and beauty.

Then Jordan put on a song... "This is Home" by Switchfoot. Tears feel quietly on my cheeks. This was it ready or not! Carmen and Bruc picked us up from the airport! We met about 15 people (future bosses and friends) on our way back to the compound. I was already overwhelmed but felt so welcome in this strange place. We were home... and off course greeted with a few drinks! So the adventure begins! Within the first week Jordan and I found jobs. Jordan got hooked up by Carlo at the local Italian place Kauai Pasta. Carmen helped me in get into the Small Town Coffee crew. We also found a mini van on our second day there. We bought it for 200 bucks!! Haha, we also gave the lady an old desk C & C had and I cleaned her house once. Such a deal! She became known as the Red Rider/ Clubhouse!