1. Rekindle an old friendship!

Not Even years being apart can change some things....

-Snails, shell and everything!
- Pitcher of Sangria, $15.00 -Order of Octopus $8.95 -Order of Snails $8.95 - Look on her face right before she eats them, PRICELESS!
3. Joshua Tree Inn- Room 8
4. Cave at Ryan, Joshua Tree

Went to the cave, fell in love with the place,
and got married there three months later! It's a magical little spot in the world...
5. Wall Street Mill, Joshua Tree
6. K & B Wine Cellars
7. Go to a Family Event and NOT have it be Awkward!!!
The whole fam at Amb and Bryan's Reception
Richelle, Jules, and Kellie
Richelle, Ian, Jord, and Jules
Jord and Jules- Aww.. we made it through an entire night with the family, interrogations, and lots of funny looks... and no awkwardness!!! Yay, first time in four years!!!
8. Alligator Wrestling, Colorado
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
10. Go to Vegas and NOT get married! ( hahahehe)
Here she is.... what a view eh??
Ready for a night out on the town....
The Moon
The Ghost bar... haha YA JORD!!!! Get it... haha
Sexy can I..... ?!?!
What can I say, being friends is the best EVER!!
It's 4am, time for bed, no pictures please!!! Can you believe it hasn't even been 24 hours!?!
11. Ballast Point, San Diego

Well we sailed around Ballast Point, that counts right?
12. Valley Center Hike
13. White Water Rafting
14. Salsa Dancing
15. Tubing in the Ocean
Jordan: "Juli, You're going in the water regardless, so either you go in with all your clothes on or you put your bathing suit on"
Jordan: "See wasn't that fun?!?"
Juli: "Haha, ya or something like that!!!"
16. Swim with Sharks, South Africa
OrangeShow Speedway, Bikes
Frescas Bar and Grill
19. Visit Strawberry Peak
Juli's Photo
Jordan's Photo: Seriously I don't know why I (Juli) am not the photographer !!
Ya, we don't even have to try, haha!!! Really photogenic people!
When all else fails...
20. Splatter Painting
21. Sail San Diego, CA
Endless conversations, we can talk about everything and nothing all at the same time.
San Diego has never looked so good!
Re-discovering, re-building an old friendship is a priceless gift!
just enjoying the boat, the sound of the ocean, the breeze, and the company22. Jump out of an airplane with no parachute!
23. Go hike some waterfalls in Kauai!
really no words necessary right?
this is the pond at the end of the waterfall....
taking a little swim!!! the water was freezing!
24. Climb through the Grand Canyon
25. Trek through Antarctica
26. Ice fishing in Alaska